
From audiobooks to audio tours, we’ve got it covered.


The easy, portable way to enjoy books. Whether that’s on the go, relaxing at home, or packing light for a holiday. They’re also an invaluable format for the partially sighted.

Audiobook case studies

From works of fiction to self-improvement, even study aids: there’s no limit to the subject matter that can be turned into an audiobook. 

And for your listener, they are a haven. A way to dive into a whole new world for pure escapism, or pack a few good reads in the holiday 'suitcase', or to learn something new whilst carrying on with their day to day lives. Audiobooks are also invaluable companions to those who have difficulty seeing or reading.

The best part is, you can create an audiobook with or without the backing of a traditional publishing house.

Working hand in hand with self-publishers, or in conjunction with a publishing house, we can guide you through self-narration or assemble a production team of narrators, sound producers and editors to bring your audiobook to life.

Once complete, we’ll also make sure the audiobook is easy for people to access and enjoy by uploading it to your nominated listening platform.

Drop us a line or book in a call to have a chat about your idea.

Woman wearing headphones and sat in chair
Woman sat outside looking at her phone

Audio Tour Guides

It's never been easier, to bring your town, city, country or attraction to life for your visitor.

Reward the people that take the time to come visit you with an immersive, fun and informative experience.

Bringing your country, region, attraction or experience to life with insider knowledge and quirky facts will let your visitors enjoy taking in your attraction at their own pace.

With the choice of making audio for your visitors' smartphones or for your own, branded in-house audio device, and in multiple languages, come have a chat with us about your ideas and how we can help you turn your ideas into a reality

  • "I have never done anything like this before – except for a bit of student radio – but I found Bengo Media to be extremely patient, always putting me at ease, incredibly supportive and pleasant. I couldn’t fault the experience of working with Bengo, and if / when audiobook number two gets penned, they will be my immediate choice."

    Steve Morgan - Audiobook
